
Chanterêves is a micro-estate based in Savigny-les-Beaune. Tomoko on the one hand, Japanese who learned wine in Germany, and Guillaume on the other who learned his skills at Simon Bize, bought this small estate with an evocative name in 2008. Initially close to Frédéric Cossard and Philippe Pacalet, they are moving quite quickly towards natural wine. With now a good fifteen years of experience, they are part of the recognized winegrowers of this new Burgundian generation.
Passionate about phytotherapy treatments, Tomoko and Guillaume seek to work as precisely as possible in the vineyard, to then minimize interventions in the cellar. The whites ferment in barrels as naturally as possible, the reds are whole bunches, most of the time macerated in their large wooden vats. The rest of the aging is done most of the time in barrels, with an addition of So2 when strictly necessary.
One of the particularities of the estate lies in the large number of plots dedicated to Aligoté that Tomoko and Guillaume look after. There are even 17 acres of century-old Aligoté on the estate... They are therefore part of this generation of Burgundian winegrowers who are restoring the nobility of a once unloved grape variety.
It was during one of our many wanderings in Burgundy that we met the two accomplices of Chanterêves, and we were immediately seduced by the wines. Please note: Tomoko and Guillaume also buy some grapes near their home, from winegrowers who work at least organically. The quantities that the couple produce are quite paltry compared to demand, so their wines are quite difficult to find.


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