Clandestine Champagne

Champagne Clandestin is the adventure of a Burgundian who falls in love with the terroir of the Côte des Bar, in the south of Champagne. Benoît Doussot, originally from Nuits-Saint-Georges in Côte d'Or, quickly notes that the Champagne terroirs are not as well known and defined as in his native Burgundy. No Champagne climates unlike Burgundy where more than 1,200 plots have been carefully registered for several centuries, and classified according to their ability to produce wine. From then on, Benoît's project is clear: he will look for grapes from different terroirs of the Côte des Bar, and try to understand them. This is how his first vintages were born in 2016. Boréal will, for example, come from vines planted with Pinot Noir and exposed to the north only. Austral will be made from PInot Noir planted in the South only.
The vintages come one after the other for Benoît and are marked by a certain regularity in the quality of the champagnes he offers. Raised at the Vouette & Sorbée school, the champagnes come from a single vintage, so no blending. They are undosed and vinified as naturally as possible.
Benoît continues his exploration of the Côte des Bar terroir, and recently moved into a brand new winery in Landreville, where he will be able to work with even greater comfort and precision...


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