Champagne Legrand-Latour

Thibault Legrand lives in Fleury-la-Rivière, in the heart of the Marne Valley. He is the son of a winegrower, his father Patrice Legrand having taken over his father's estate. Until 2017, the father divided his time between the vines and his magnificent shell cellar project, which he dug up day after day. The grapes are then taken to the cooperative cellar.
When Thibaut returned to the estate, he first decided to convert the 4 hectares to biodynamic principles, which will be certified in 2019. There is a lot of Pinot Meunier on the estate, complemented by Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. Thanks to this precision work, Thibault can finally vinify his own grapes and give life to champagnes with a distinctive identity.
His cuvées are made up of parcels with identical geological soils. The cuvées are therefore named after geological periods: Lutetian, Ypresian, etc.
The wines are made without inputs, and are matured in an underground cellar also dug by Thibault's father. A special feature: the champagnes are made from the must of the following vintage.

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