Canon Club

A small family business created in 2022 with unparalleled banter and beautiful labels, it was difficult for us to say no to Club Canon. A project set up by natural wine lovers, based in the Côte Chalonnaise, a family adventure. Antoine, Maïté, Jean-Marc, Nat and Pierre-Olivier are lovers of good food! They all grew up in the vineyards, so it was obvious for them to be there together.
The first vintage, 2022, saw the appearance of an Aligoté which excited us. An outsider too often torn away in favor of supposedly more noble varieties. A small plot of vines over 60 years old from the Côte Chalonnaise on Mont Avril, and that’s it!
A bit of technique anyway for the most curious. The grapes they vinify come from plots cared for by trusted winegrowers. They are obviously harvested by hand, then vinified as naturally as possible: native yeasts, no input, no fining, no filtration, few sulphites.
Made without much equipment, with the means at hand, and yet brilliantly, this first vintage encourages us to follow them and you should do the same.

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