Maï Roblin Bazin

Burgundian by birth who grew up between Meursault and Beaune, Maï Roblin-Bazin grew up among the vineyards but without having an estate to inherit. After studying literature for several years, passion quickly caught up with her: the desire to work outside, the love of nature and the concrete desire to do something with her hands and with her heart pushed her to set off on the crazy adventure of natural wine.
She then found a small plot of land in the Juliénas appellation, in Beaujolais, and immediately fell in love with it. With an exposure that she considers to be the best (North-East), a good altitude (480m) and above all an unparalleled landscape, her plot is surrounded by forests and fields away from the monocultural agriculture (she has never managed to find it so beautiful in Burgundy, she says!). Being lucky enough to have no financial pressure, she threw herself headlong into her project. She then decides to work with as few treatments as possible, she does not plow her soil and does not cut the grass either to give her plot the opportunity to express itself as best as possible. Moreover, she is passionate about the issue of grass cover. His mantra: always try to do as little as possible in the vineyard while keeping enough grapes for a successful vintage. She knows that sometimes you have to lose some if you want to work WITH Nature, and not continually seek to tame it. For her (as for a large number of winegrowers who work using the natural method) winemaking must be the natural result of work in the vineyard. A winemaker to follow closely in the coming years.



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